We really care in our and your future Players. Our complete range of "Italian Beginners Soccer Camps" and "Advanced Programs" allows us to define the best for your childrens , Kids and Youth Player.
We offer Football Soccer Camps throughout the year and will be customized according to every you and you needs.
We Guarantee a Great job every day improvement and for sure they will have a great time and a lot of fun doing it.
We have hundreds of Soccer camps to teach the real Italian Football Soccer to your child , kids and Youth Player as a weekly and monothematic camps of five days for a "fast result" and an annual programs of Camps to reach the main goal: Prepare, having a lot of fun, new players.
We understand how to prepare it customized programs for young players CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING:
- To teach beginners and more advanced players the knowledge of the theoretical, tactical and practical techniques of Italian Soccer
- Customized programs for young players to the motion and psycological development playing Soccer
- Teach to your players to have control and self Confidence.
- Teach to Offensive and Defense tecniques to improve capabilities during a Game.
- Transfer from all our Coaches (ex professional players) experience to each kid to improve the relation Player - Ball
- Transfer to each one the European culture and style enjoying Sport
- Goalkeeper Technique for advanced and for beginners
- Specific Training of Department and Team Tactics for each game system: 4-4-2 3-5-2 5-3-2 4-3-1-2 3-5-2 3-4-3 3-3-1-3